Supports and outcomes of placements in one independent fostering agency

  • Farmer, Elaine (Principal Investigator)
  • Selwyn, Julie (Co-Investigator)
  • Quinton, David L (Co-Investigator)

Project Details


The aim of this study was firstly to examine the progress and outcomes over a one-year period of a sample of new placements, drawn from those made by Foster Care Associates (FCA). Secondly, to investigate the supports and services provided to the placed child and the carers during the placement and thirdly to consider the relationship between supports, factors within the child and other factors and the outcomes of the placements. This will include an examination of the impact of the implementation of the new therapeutic service on the outcomes of children in placements with Foster Care Associates.
Effective start/end date1/01/0430/05/09

Research Groups and Themes

  • SPS Children and Families Research Centre


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