Technology Enhanced Assessment

Project Details


Assessment is universally recognised as one of the most important – and powerful – elements of an educational experience. It is also one of the hardest to reform. It is increasingly accepted that we need to rethink assessment to keep pace with current theoretical, cultural and technological developments affecting teaching and learning.

Digital technologies open up new possibilities for more personalised, immediate and engaging assessment experiences. However, the use of digital technologies for assessment (referred to as 'technology-enhanced assessment') has yet to be 'transformative', with current practices either replicating traditional assessment methods or manifesting in pockets of innovation that are not widespread.

How the potential of digital technologies can best support improved assessment practices and preferred educational outcomes is becoming an issue of increasing importance. An acknowledgement of the potential that digital technologies offer should recognise the complexity of the task, the many factors affecting successful educational change, and the significant ethical questions raised by the use of digital technologies in assessment.

This project aimed to address these challenges through a series of investigations into the current state of technology enhanced assessment. It investigated key challenges and how the use of technology enhanced assessment could help to address these and help to reposition assessment as a powerful contributor to transforming educational experiences.

Alternative titleTEA
Effective start/end date1/01/1231/12/15

Research Groups and Themes

  • SoE Centre for Knowledge, Culture, and Society
  • SoE Centre for Higher Education Transformations
  • SoE Centre for Teaching Learning and Curriculum
  • SoE Educational Futures Network


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