The Animal Management and Husbandry Online Placement Tool

  • Bates, Lucy (Student)
  • Crowther, Emma (Principal Investigator)
  • Bell, Catriona (Collaborator)
  • Kinnison, Tierney (Collaborator)
  • Baillie, S (Principal Investigator)

Project Details


Following on from the success of The EMS Driving Licence and The VN Online Clinical Placement Tool, a group at the University of Bristol, in collaboration with the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Edinburgh, and the Royal Veterinary College, London, developed The Animal Management and Husbandry Online Placement Tool to assist students when preparing for pre-clinical work placements (EMS). The group at Bristol includes Lucy Bates, a veterinary science student whose summer project developing the tool was funded by Bristol Alumni donations. The tool is freely available to veterinary students worldwide at the URL below.
AcronymAMH OPT
Effective start/end date16/07/1222/12/12


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