The Personal Tutoring Project

Project Details


The Personal Tutoring Project is a research project funded by the Tuixen Foundation investigating personal tutoring at the University of Bristol.
There are two strands to the project. In the first, I follow a group of 55 undergraduate students throughout their degree at Bristol, and I talk to them twice a year about their expectations and experiences of personal tutoring.
In the second strand I talk to staff and students in 6 schools to review and evaluates personal tutoring models used at the University of Bristol, particularly focusing on how the culture within a school has shaped the personal tutoring system.

The project was recently extended by 3 years through additional funding by the Tuixen Foundation. In the coming years research will focus on how personal tutors can best support PGT students, international students, students with a disability, and students from a BAME background.
Alternative titlePersonal Tutoring at the University of Bristol
Effective start/end date1/05/1930/04/25


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