Wales adoption breakdown phase 2

  • Selwyn, Julie (Principal Investigator)
  • Meakings, Sarah J (Co-Investigator)

Project Details


Phase one of the study reported the adoption disruption rate in Wales. Phase Two of the study builds on the statistical analysis conducted in Phase One, and has three main objectives:

1. To explore the experiences of adopters who have experienced a disruption and those who are finding parenting very challenging.
2. To explore experiences after disruption.
3. To provide recommendations on how breakdowns might be prevented and where breakdowns occur how they might be better managed.

We plan to meet these objectives by:

1. Conducting face-to-face interviews with ten adoptive parents to understand more about the experience and impact of breakdown.
2. Conducting ten interviews with adoptive parents in families where the adoption is intact but the family are experiencing great difficulty.
3. Assess children’s well-being using the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (Goodman 1997), the Adolescent Assessment Checklist – short form (Tarren Swenney 2007) and adoptive parent’s well-being using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale ( Zigmond and Snaith 1983).
Effective start/end date13/01/1412/01/15

Research Groups and Themes

  • SPS Children and Families Research Centre


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  • Adoption breakdown in Wales

    Wijedasa, D. N. (Principal Investigator) & Selwyn, J. (Principal Investigator)


    Project: Research