국제정치경제학의 대안적 개념 틀을 위하여: 네오그람시주의를 중심으로

Translated title of the contribution: An Alternative Conceptual Framework of International Political Economy

Yoochul Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review


The purpose of this article is that in order to realize the peace in the Korean Peninsula, the article attempts to criticize the mainstream theories and examine an alternative theory such as neo-Gramscianist approach in the field of international political economy. This attempt will show the crews what Korean Question should be analyzed by, and how ontological turn of Korean Question is crucial to establish the peace in Korean Peninsula. In this sense, this study will be significant, especially under the situation, the US and China are competing in the all of the fields. In the 1980s, in order to avoid the decline of US hegemony, the US attempted to drive neo-liberal economic policies toward the world, and it helps to reinforce US hegemony. The US’ reactions to the challenges in 1970s, is similar to recent trade tension between the US and China. This shows this theoretical discussion about the hegemonic conflicts will be meaningful. Thus, the research examines the mainstream discussion of international political economy, especially focusing on searching a significant theoretical framework from the field.
Translated title of the contributionAn Alternative Conceptual Framework of International Political Economy
Original languageKorean
Pages (from-to)2135
Number of pages2330
JournalThe Journal of Humanities and Social science
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2021


  • International Political Economy
  • Neogramscianism
  • Hegemony


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