2x2 MIMO Prototype for BER and EVM Measurements in Metal Enclosure

Mir Lodro, Gabriele Gradoni, Christopher Smartt, Steve Greedy

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In this work, we present a 2x2 near-field multi-input multiple-output (MIMO) prototype for bit-error-rate (BER) and error vector magnitude (EVM) measurements in a metal enclosure. The near-field MIMO prototype is developed using software-defined-radios (SDRs) for over-the-air transmission of QPSK modulated baseband waveforms. We check the near-field MIMO BER and EVM measurements in three different scenarios in a highly reflecting metal enclosure environment. In the first scenario, the line-of-sight (LOS) communication link is investigated when the mode-stirrer is stationary. In stationary channel conditions near-field MIMO BER and EVM measurements are performed. In the second scenario, BER and EVM measurements are performed in dynamic channel conditions when the mode-stirrer is set to move continuously. In the third scenario, LOS communication near-field MIMO BER and EVM measurements are performed in stationary channel conditions but now in the presence of MIMO interference. In three different scenarios, near-field MIMO BER and EVM measurements are investigated at different Tx USRP gain values and in the presence of varying levels of MIMO interference.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 17 Sept 2022

Bibliographical note

10 pages


  • cs.IT
  • eess.SP
  • math.IT


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