3D localisation microscopy and 4D localisation microscopy and tracking methods and systems

C Soeller (Inventor), David Baddeley (Inventor), Mark Cannell (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A 3D localization microscopy system, 4D localization microscopy system, or an emitter tracking system arranged to cause a phase difference between light passing to or from one part of the objective relative to light passing to or from another part of the objective, to produce a point emitter image which comprises two lobes, a separation between which is related to the position of the emitter relative to the objective of the imaging system, and in the 4D system a further property of which image or of said light to or from the objective is related to another location independent property of the emitter.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS9523846 B2
Priority date24/09/10
Publication statusPublished - 20 Dec 2016


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