3D localization microscopy and 4D localization microscopy and tracking methods and systems

Mark B Cannell (Inventor), C Soeller (Inventor), David Beddeley (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A 3D localization microscopy system, 4D localisation microscopy system, or an emitter tracking system arranged to cause a phase difference between light passing to or from one part of the objective relative to light passing to or from another part of the objective, to produce a point emitter image which comprises two lobes, a separation between which is related to the position of the emitter relative to the objective of the imaging system, and in the 4D system a further property of the image or of the light to or from the objective is related to another location independent property of the emitter.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberUS10571674B2
Priority date24/10/10
Filing date28/03/18
Publication statusPublished - 25 Feb 2020


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