A 60% PAE WCDMA handset transmitter amplifier

PA Warr, KA Morris, GT Watkins, TR Horseman, Kaoru Takasuka, Yukihiro Ueda, Yasushi Kobayashi, Shinji Miya

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)
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This paper reports the design of a class-E envelope elimination and restoration (EER) based amplifier for a wideband code division multiple access handset application that attains 60% power-added efficiency at peak power output. Emphasis is placed on the envelope modulator that employs a novel split-frequency approach in order to attain an efficiency of 80% for this part of the system. In contrast to standard EER systems, the carrier is not amplitude limited, but rather predistorted to maintain both linearity and power efficiency. Performance in terms of efficiency, spectral output, and error vector magnitude is reported.
Translated title of the contributionA 60% PAE WCDMA handset transmitter amplifier
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2368 - 2377
Number of pages10
JournalIEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques
Issue number10, part 1
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2009

Bibliographical note

Publisher: IEEE
Rose publication type: Journal article

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  • amplifier distortion
  • envelope elimination and restoration (EER)
  • mobile communications


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