A bacterial secretosome for regulated envelope biogenesis and quality control?

Daniel W Watkins, Sophie L Williams, Ian Collinson*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

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The Gram-negative bacterial envelope is the first line of defence against environmental stress and antibiotics. Therefore, its biogenesis is of considerable fundamental interest, as well as a challenge to address the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance. All bacterial proteins are synthesised in the cytosol, so inner- and outer-membrane proteins, and periplasmic residents have to be transported to their final destinations via specialised protein machinery. The Sec translocon, a ubiquitous integral inner-membrane (IM) complex, is key to this process as the major gateway for protein transit from the cytosol to the cell envelope; this can be achieved during their translation, or afterwards. Proteins need to be directed into the inner-membrane (usually co-translational), otherwise SecA utilises ATP and the proton-motive-force (PMF) to drive proteins across the membrane post-translationally. These proteins are then picked up by chaperones for folding in the periplasm, or delivered to the β-barrel assembly machinery (BAM) for incorporation into the outer-membrane. The core hetero-trimeric SecYEG-complex forms the hub for an extensive network of interactions that regulate protein delivery and quality control. Here, we conduct a biochemical exploration of this 'secretosome' -a very large, versatile and inter-changeable assembly with the Sec-translocon at its core; featuring interactions that facilitate secretion (SecDF), inner- and outer-membrane protein insertion (respectively, YidC and BAM), protein folding and quality control (e.g. PpiD, YfgM and FtsH). We propose the dynamic interplay amongst these, and other factors, act to ensure efficient envelope biogenesis, regulated to accommodate the requirements of cell elongation and division. We believe this organisation is critical for cell wall biogenesis and remodelling and thus its perturbation could be a means for the development of anti-microbials.

Original languageEnglish
Article number001255
JournalMicrobiology (Reading, England)
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 19 Oct 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council-funded project grant (BB/S008349/1 to IC and DWW) and the South West Biosciences Doctoral Training Partnership (BB/T008741/1 to SLW).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 The Authors.


  • SEC Translocation Channels/genetics
  • Escherichia coli Proteins/genetics
  • Protons
  • Bacterial Proteins/genetics
  • Membrane Proteins/genetics
  • Adenosine Triphosphate
  • Quality Control
  • Anti-Bacterial Agents
  • Anti-Infective Agents
  • Bacterial Outer Membrane Proteins/genetics


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