A comparison of four different approaches to measuring health utility in depressed patients

Nicholas Turner, John Campbell, Tim J Peters, Nicola Wiles, Sandra Hollinghurst

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

29 Citations (Scopus)


A variety of instruments are used to measure health related quality of life. Few data exist on the performance and agreement of different instruments in a depressed population. The aim of this study was to investigate agreement between, and suitability of, the EQ-5D-3L, EQ-5D Visual Analogue Scale (EQ-5D VAS), SF-6D and SF-12 new algorithm for measuring health utility in depressed patients.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)81
JournalHealth and Quality of Life Outcomes
Issue number1
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2013


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