A Comparison of Health Professionals’ and Patients’ Views of the Importance of Outcomes of Bariatric Surgery

Karen Coulman*, Noah Howes, James Hopkins, Katie Whale, Katy Chalmers, Sara Brookes, Alex Nicholson, Jelena Savovic, Yasmin Ferguson, Amanda Owen-Smith, Jane Blazeby, The By-Band-Sleeve Trial Management Group

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

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Background: A comprehensive evaluation of bariatric surgery is required to inform decision-making. This will include measures of benefit and risk. It is possible that stakeholders involved with surgery value these outcomes differently, although this has not previously been explored. This study aimed to investigate and compare how professionals and patients prioritise outcomes of bariatric surgery.
Methods: Systematic reviews and qualitative interviews created an exhaustive list of outcomes. This informed the development of a 130-item questionnaire, structured in four sections (complications of surgery; clinical effectiveness; signs, symptoms, and other measures; quality of life). Health professionals and patients rated the importance of each item on a 1-9 scale. Items rated 8-9 by at least 70% of participants were considered prioritised. Items prioritised in each section were compared between professionals and patients, and interrater agreement assessed using kappa statistics (ĸ).
Results: 168/459 professionals (36.6%), and 90/465 patients (19.4%) completed the questionnaire. Professionals and patients prioritised 18 and 25 items, respectively, with 10 overlapping items, and 23 discordant items (ĸ 0.363). Examples of items prioritised by both included “diabetes” and “leakage from bowel joins”. Examples of discordant items included “re-admission rates” (professionals only), and “excess skin” (patients only). Poor agreement was seen in the ‘quality of life’ section (0 overlapping items, 8 discordant, ĸ -0.036).
Conclusions: Although there was some overlap of outcomes prioritised by professionals and patients, there were important differences. We recommend that the views of all relevant health professionals and patients are considered when deciding on outcomes to evaluate bariatric surgery.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2738-2746
Number of pages9
JournalObesity Surgery
Issue number11
Early online date2 May 2016
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2016

Research Groups and Themes

  • ConDuCT-II
  • Centre for Surgical Research


  • Outcomes
  • Patient views
  • Health professional views
  • Quality of life
  • Survey
  • Core outcome sets


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  • ConDuCT-II

    Blazeby, J. (Principal Investigator)


    Project: Research


    Donovan , J. L. (Principal Investigator)


    Project: Research, Parent

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