A concept for the generation of out-of-plane distortion from tailored FRP laminates

KD Potter, PM Weaver

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

84 Citations (Scopus)


The phenomenon of thermally induced distortions in unsymmetrical laminates is well understood, and it may be shown that a square, unsymmetrical 0.90 laminate will tend to form two stable geometries with a snap-through phenomenon between them. This paper discusses laminates in which at each point the lay-up is symmetrical across the laminate mid-plane, but which still exhibit multiple stable geometries. The number of stable geometries can be controlled by the details of the lay-up from the minimum of two to, in principle, an unlimited number. In addition it will be shown how a similar process can be used to generate multiple stable stress states and geometries in unidirectional laminates. This paper represents a very preliminary experimental investigation of the design space available for such composite laminates. Possible applications of composites with multiple stable geometries are noted.
Translated title of the contributionA concept for the generation of out-of-plane distortion from tailored FRP laminates
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1353 - 1361
Number of pages9
JournalComposites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing
Volume35 (12)
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2004

Bibliographical note

Publisher: Elsevier


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