A new x-ray-discovered cluster of galaxies associated with cl 0016+16

John P. Hughes*, Mark Birkinshaw, John P. Huchra

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

31 Citations (Scopus)


We have discovered a new cluster of galaxies, RX J0018.3+1618, in a deep ROSAT PSPC pointing toward the distant cluster CL 0016+16. The mean radial velocities of the new cluster (2 = 0.5506) and CL 0016+16 (2 = 0.5455) differ by 1000 ± 390 km s-1, which is comparable to their internal velocity dispersions. The angular separation of the clusters, 9.'5, corresponds to a projected linear distance of 4.2 Mpc. RX J0018.3+1618 has an X-ray luminosity in the 0.2-2 keV band of 1.3 X 1044 ergs s-1, which is about 10% of the luminosity of CL 0016+16. From the redshifts of seven galaxies in the new cluster, we derive a radial velocity dispersion of 540 +2 3!° km s-1, which establishes RX J0018.3 + 1618 as one of the most distant known poor clusters. Simple energetic arguments suggest that the two clusters constitute a bound system. This discovery adds considerable weight to the suggestion made by Koo in 1981 that CL 0016+16 is part of a massive large-scale structure at 2 - 0.55.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)L93-L96
JournalAstrophysical Journal
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Aug 1995


  • Cosmology: Observations
  • Galaxies: Clusters: Individual (CL 0016+16
  • Large-scale structure of universe
  • RX J0018.3 + 1618)


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