A novel memristor based physically unclonable function

Jimson Mathew, Rajat Subhra Chakraborty*, Durga Prasad Sahoo, Yuanfan Yang, Dhiraj K. Pradhan

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

19 Citations (Scopus)


Memristor is an exciting new addition to the repertoire of fundamental circuit elements. Alternatives to many security protocols originally employing traditional mathematical cryptography involve novel hardware security primitives, such as Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs). In this paper, we first introduce a novel hybrid memristor-CMOS XOR/XNOR logic circuit that offers several advantages such as combinational circuit behavior, simpler operation and lower hardware overhead than existing solutions. Then, we use this XOR circuit as a component to design a hybrid memristor-CMOS PUF circuit and demonstrate its effectiveness through extensive simulations of environmental and process variation effects. The proposed PUF circuit has substantially lesser hardware overhead than previously proposed memristor-based PUF circuits, while being resistant against machine learning based modelling attacks. The proposed PUF can be conveniently used in many security applications and protocols based on hardware-intrinsic security.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1124
Pages (from-to)37-45
Number of pages9
JournalIntegration, the VLSI Journal archive
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2015


  • Hardware security primitive
  • Memristor
  • Modelling attack
  • Nanodevice
  • Physically unclonable function
  • Process variation


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