A progressive sense of place and the open city: Micro-spatialities and micro-conflicts on a north London council estate

Steve Pile, Edanur Yazici, Susannah Cramer-Greenbaum, Michael Keith, Karim Murji, John Solomos

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


Doreen Massey’s progressive sense of place (2005) and Richard Sennett’s ethical case for the open city (2018) rely on seeing space as open. It is openness that guarantees an open future, an openness to others, and the possibility of a progressive politics. Curiously, the Garden City, for both, becomes a test case for a progressive sense of the open city. For Massey, her lived experience of growing up in Wythenshawe reveals both the possibility of, and also the undermining of, the possibility of creating a progressive sense of place. In contrast, Sennett sees the Garden City, for all its progressive elements, as ultimately blocking new ways of dwelling in the city. The Garden City, for him, is too closed to provide a progressive sense of place. In north London, we discover a hidden Garden City, with secret gardens. Its micro-spatialities – and its micro-conflicts – enable us to rethink both these accounts of a progressive sense of place and of the open city. Rather than seeing openness in a physical infrastructure of space and place, we wish to emphasize the openness and closedness that emerges from the ways the people encounter, manage and dispute the microspatialities of everyday life on the estate.
Original languageEnglish
Article number103810
Early online date26 Jun 2023
Publication statusPublished - 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This paper is an output of the Open City project, funded by the ESRC: Project Reference ES/T009454/1. We would like to thank all our participants for their time and engagement with the research, and also Camden Council, Hampstead Theatre and The Winch for their cooperation and support throughout. The Editors and Referees critical engagement with early drafts of the paper have undoubtedly focused and improved its content and argument. We have also presented variations of this paper at the annual conferences of the Association of American Geographers and the Royal Geographical Society as well as at seminars within the Open University. We would like to thank the audiences for their comments and questions.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Author(s)


  • Progressive sense of place
  • Open city
  • Micro-spatialities
  • Micro-conflicts
  • Social housing
  • Garden cities


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