A randomised clinical trial investigating calcium sodium phosphosilicate as a dentine mineralising agent in the oral environment

Sian B Jones, Charles R Parkinson, Peter Jeffery, Maria Davies, Emma L Macdonald, Joon Seong, Nicola X West

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

16 Citations (Scopus)


OBJECTIVE: The ability of a dentifrice containing the bioactive material calcium sodium phosphosilicate (CSPS) to remineralise the surface of dentine and physically occlude patent tubules was investigated in a 20 day in situ randomised clinical study.

METHODS: Changes in surface microhardness and surface topography of dentine specimens treated for 5, 10, 15 and 20 days, twice daily with either a dentifrice containing 5% CSPS or a fluoride-only containing placebo dentifrice were compared. The substantivity of any mineral deposits formed on the surface of dentine were investigated by the application of an intra-oral dietary acid challenge twice daily during the final 10 days of treatment.

RESULTS: After 5 and 10 days of treatment, the dentine samples in both treatment groups demonstrated an increase in surface microhardness. After 10 days of treatment the increase in surface hardness was directionally greater for the specimens treated with 5% CSPS dentifrice. Introducing an intra-oral acid exposure resulted in a reduction in surface microhardness which was significantly greater for the specimens treated with the placebo dentifrice compared to the dentifrice containing 5% CSPS, at day 20. Occlusion of the patent tubules was evident at each time-point and was significantly greater for the 5% CSPS containing dentifrice on days 5 and 10. On day 15 both dentifrices demonstrated the same degree of occlusion.

CONCLUSION: This in situ study demonstrated that dentifrice containing 5% CSPS may have potential to mineralise and occlude the dentine in the oral environment.

CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This work provides evidence of potential agents that can be used to reduce the pain of dentine hypersensitivity when formulated into dentifrice and applied as part of a normal oral hygiene routine.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)757-764
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of Dentistry
Issue number6
Early online date18 Oct 2014
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2015


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