A Spacetime Formulation for Unsteady Aerodynamics with Geometry and Topology Changes

Imanol Flamarique Ederra, Thomas C S Rendall*, Ann L Gaitonde, Dorian P Jones, Christian B Allen

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A spacetime formulation is presented to solve unsteady aerodynamic problems involving large deformation or topological change such as store separation, slat and flap deployment or spoiler deflection. This technique avoids complex CFD meshing methods, such as Chimera, by the use of a finite-volume approach both in space and time, and permits a locally varying real timestep. The use of a central-difference scheme in the time direction can yield non-physical transient solutions as a consequence of information travelling backwards in time. Therefore, an upwind formulation is provided and validated against one-dimensional and two-dimensional test cases. A hybrid formulation (central in space, upwind in time) is also given and unsteady cases are computed for a spoiler and spoiler/flap deployment, with all three formulations compared, demonstrating that the use of an upwind time stencil yields more representative physical solutions and improves the rate of convergence.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages38
JournalThe Aeronautical Journal
Issue number1304
Early online date16 May 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2022


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