Adaptation of the White Fulani cattle to the tropical environment

O.E. Oke*, O.M. Oso, M.O. Logunleko, V.A. Uyanga, F. Akinyemi, F.A. Okeniyi, O.A. Akosile, J.J. Baloyi, O.M. Onagbesan

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

9 Citations (Scopus)


This review summarizes the available information on the adaptation and the performance of White Fulani cattle in tropical environments. White Fulani cattle is an indigenous breed of cattle widely distributed in the humid tropical regions of Africa and plays significant roles in meat and milk production, as well as draught purposes. Poor management and the harsh environmental conditions in the tropics encumber the optimal productive and reproductive performance of the breed, having about 4.75 years age at first calving, 57% calving rate, 18 months calving interval and 3 to 4 calves are born in a reproductive lifetime. The cattle breed adapts to these climatic patterns via physiological, morphological, behavioral, genetic, and metabolic responses. Different physiological mechanisms and morphological features such as their white coat color, hair coat thickness, and lengthy rump appear to play an important adaptive role. The distinct genetic traits (including the possession of seven genetic variants of HSP 90 gene) of the breed afford them some levels of thermotolerance and high resistivity to some endemic diseases (such as trypanosomiasis, liver fluke, brucellosis and foot and mouth disease) in the tropics constitute inherent characteristics that should be explored in detail using molecular assisted approaches. The productive performance of the breed under different systems is discussed. A better understanding of the adaptive characteristics of White Fulani cattle could provide crucial information on the best management approach/techniques that should be adopted to improve the performance, productivity, and sustainability of this cattle breed. Therefore, this review aims to compile the various production, reproduction and adaptation traits of the breed and presents vital information underlying their thriving and survivability in tropical environments.
Original languageEnglish
Article number103372
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Thermal Biology
Early online date15 Oct 2022
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2022


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