An Eigensystem Realisation Algorithm using Data Correlations (ERA/DC) for Modal Parameter Identification

Jer-Nan Juang, Jonathan E Cooper, Jan Wright

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A modification to the Eigensystem Realization Algorithm (ERA) for modal parameter identification is presented in this paper. The ERA minimum order realization approach using singular value decomposition is combined with the philosophy of the Correlation Fit method in state space form such that response data correlations rather than actual response values are used for modal parameter identification. This new method, the ERA using Data Correlations (ERA/DC), reduces bias errors due to noise corruption significantly without the need of model overspecification. This method is tested using simulated five-degree-of-freedom system responses corrupted by measurement noise. It is found for this case that, when model overspecification is permitted and a minimum order solution obtained via singular value truncation, the results from the two methods are of similar quality.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)5-14
JournalControl - Theory and Advanced Technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 1 Mar 1988


  • System identification
  • Modal testing
  • system realization
  • data correlation fit
  • modal parameter identification


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