An investigation into the effect of a NATE/Becta training programme on the use of interactive whiteboards in teaching and learning in Secondary English

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This paper describes the evaluation of the impact of a training programme
in the use of Interactive whiteboards in Secondary English lessons. It is
based on work commissioned from NATE by Becta that produced the
publication, Entitlement to ICT in Secondary English (NATE, 2002).
Drawing from the work of Kress (2003), the author argues that new
technologies can help teachers to address confidently aspects of
multimodality that are a core aspect of the New Literacies. Data collected
from a small sample of Secondary English teachers who engaged in the
training suggest that all teachers benefited from the training; however, it
was found that there has been insufficient support in schools to date for
the development of fully confident practice.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)269-282
Number of pages14
JournalEnglish in Education
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2008


  • Interactive white boards, new technologies, multimodality, text design,


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