An outbreak of asthma in a modern detergent factory

P Cullinan, J M Harris, A J Newman Taylor, A M Hole, M Jones, F Barnes, G Jolliffe

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

123 Citations (Scopus)


The striking decrease in the occurrence of protease-induced occupational asthma in the detergent Industry has been attributed to enzyme encapsulation. We report an outbreak of asthma, at least equal in size to those reported in the 1960s, in a modem European factory which has exclusively used encapsulated enzymes. A survey revealed that enzyme sensitisation and work-related respiratory symptoms were positively correlated with airborne enzyme exposure. We suggest that encapsulation alone is insufficient to prevent enzyme-Induced allergy and asthma.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1899-900
Number of pages2
Issue number9245
Publication statusPublished - 2 Dec 2000


  • Adolescent
  • Adult
  • Amylases
  • Asthma
  • Cellulase
  • Detergents
  • Disease Outbreaks
  • Endopeptidases
  • Europe
  • Female
  • Humans
  • Male
  • Middle Aged
  • Occupational Diseases
  • Occupational Exposure
  • Skin Tests


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