Analytical Model for Leading-Edge Vortex Lift on Rotating Samara Seeds: Development and Validation

Ignacio Hernandez Arroyo, Djamel Rezgui, Raf Theunissen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Contribution (Conference Proceeding)

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This article focuses on the development of a simple analytical aerodynamic model capable of describing the effect of Leading-Edge Vortices (LEVs) on the lift of samara wings. This was based on an adaptation of Polhamus' method to predict the lift function implemented in a numerical blade-element model for a rotating Samara blade. Furthermore, wind tunnel experiments were conducted to validate the numerical blade element model. The final results showed very good agreement between the developed numerical model and the experimental measurements in the prediction of samara wing rotational speed and rate of descent. This research furthered the understanding of the aerodynamic behaviour and modelling of LEVs on samara seeds for performance-prediction and could ultimately be used in the design of rotary micro-air vehicles.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of Applied Aerodynamics Conference 2016
Subtitle of host publicationEvolution and Innovation Continues - The Next 150 Years of Concepts, Design and Operations
PublisherRoyal Aeronautical Society
ISBN (Print)1 85768 371 4
Publication statusPublished - 21 Jul 2016
Event2016 Applied Aerodynamics Conference: Evolution and Innovation Continues - The Next 150 Years of Concepts, Design and Operations - At-Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom
Duration: 19 Jul 201621 Jul 2016

Publication series

Name2016 Applied Aerodynamics Conference
PublisherThe Royal Aeronautical Society


Conference2016 Applied Aerodynamics Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • Aerodynamic model
  • Wind tunnel
  • Samara
  • Sycamore seed
  • Leading Edge Vortex
  • LEV


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