Application of Acoustic Emission on Crushing Monitoring of Individual Soil Particles in Uniaxial Compression Test

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Contribution (Conference Proceeding)

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Soil grain breakage has a significant influence on the performance of the geotechnical system. Due to the nature of the underground environment, it is hard to track the soil grain breakage process in both temporal and spatial dimensions. Hence, the use of non-destructive Acoustic Emission (AE) technique to characterise the soil breakage is explored in this work. This study particularly focuses on the individual soil grains, and aims to distinguish the crack formation of the individual silica sand particles with different sizes and shape under uniaxial compression. AE parameters and the signal waveforms at each particle crushing point are analysed. It is found that the AE parameters changing trend match well with the mechanics behaviour in the test, with this, the crack of the silica sand particle could be detected. What is more, in the frequency domain analysis, the difference in the frequency distribution at critical crushing hit within different silica sand test has been found and the possible reason are shown.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of 32nd European Conference on Acoustic Emission Testing
Subtitle of host publicationPrague, Czech Republic, September 07-09, 2016
PublisherCzech Society for Nondestructive Testing
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sept 2016


  • Acoustic Emission (AE)
  • silica sand particle
  • crack formation
  • uniaxial compression
  • frequency domain analysis


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