Arnold tongues and feigenbaum exponents of the rational mapping for q-state potts model on recursive lattice: Q > 2

L. N. Ananikyan, N. S. Ananikian, L. A. Chakhmakhchyan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

2 Citations (Scopus)


We considered Q-state Potts model on Bethe lattice in presence of external magnetic field for Q < 2 by means of recursion relation technique. This allows to study the phase transition mechanism in terms of the obtained one dimensional rational mapping. The convergence of Feigenabaum α and δ exponents for the aforementioned mapping is investigated for the period doubling and three cyclic window. We regarded the Lyapunov exponent as an order parameter for the characterization of the model and discussed its dependence on temperature and magnetic field. Arnold tongues analogs with winding numbers w = 1/2, w = 2/4 and w = 1/3 (in the three cyclic window) are constructed for Q < 2. The critical temperatures of the model are discussed and their dependence on Q is investigated. We also proposed an approximate method for constructing Arnold tongues via Feigenbaum δ exponent.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)371-383
Number of pages13
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2010


  • Arnold Tongues
  • Bifurcation
  • Feigenbaum Exponents
  • Modulated Phases
  • Universality


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