Bristol as a Smart Local Energy System of Systems: Skills Case Study

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This report aims to inform all those engaged with the local energy system transition.

Its intention is to help these engaged stakeholders see how the different parts of the local energy system are interrelated, and what skills and measures are needed to support an emerging smart local energy system (SLES).

This report presents an analysis of the smart local energy (SLE) case study undertaken within the city of Bristol. It argues that the SLES must be viewed as a system of systems (SoS), as it is comprised of a set of loosely interconnected, independently evolved, managed and operated subsystems. The subsystems considered in this study are: transport and mobility, traditional energy supply, building and retrofit, local government, community energy, information and communications technology for energy services, local communities, and citizens. All of these play a part in the journey of a particular locality to meet its net zero ambitions.

In this report, the findings for the city of Bristol at this SoS level as well as at the subsystems levels are summarised, while considering the challenges and skills needed to bring the local subsystems together for a common goal of clean energy commitments and addressing the climate emergency.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages124
ISBN (Electronic)
Publication statusUnpublished - 26 Apr 2021


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