Cat-PROM5: a brief psychometrically robust self-report questionnaire instrument for cataract surgery

J. M. Sparrow*, M. T. Grzeda, N. A. Frost, R. L. Johnston, C. S.C. Liu, L. Edwards, A. Loose, J. L. Donovan

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Purpose: To develop a short, psychometrically robust and responsive cataract patient reported outcome measure suitable for use in high-volume surgical environments.MethodsA prospective study in which participants completed development versions of questionnaires exploring the quality of their eyesight using items harvested from two existing United Kingdom developed parent questionnaires. Participants were 822 patients awaiting cataract surgery recruited from 4 cataract surgical centres based in the UK. Exclusion criteria were other visually significant comorbidities and age <50 years. An iterative multi-stage process of evaluation using Rasch and factor analyses with sequential item reduction was undertaken.ResultsA definitive item set of just five items delivered performance in accordance with the requirements of the Rasch model: no threshold disordering, no misfitting items, Rasch-based reliability 0.90, person separation 2.98, Cronbach's α 0.89, good targeting of questions to patients with cataract with pre-operative item mean-0.41 logits and absence of significant floor or ceiling effects, minor deviations of item invariance, and confirmed unidimensionality. The test-re-test repeatability intra-class correlation coefficient was 0.89 with excellent responsiveness to surgery, Cohen's d-1.45 SD. Rasch calibration values are provided for Cat-PROM5 users.ConclusionsA psychometrically robust and highly responsive five-item cataract surgery patient reported outcome measure has been developed, which is suitable for use in high-volume cataract surgical services.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)796-805
Number of pages10
Issue number4
Early online date9 Mar 2018
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2018

Research Groups and Themes

  • Centre for Surgical Research


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