Chronologiczne i przestrzenne trendy użytkowania ceramiki w świetle analiz pozostałości tłuszczów w naczyniach KCWR

Translated title of the contribution: Chronological and spatial trends in pottery use revealed through lipid residue analyses of LBK pottery vessels

Mélanie Roffet-Salque, Borys Banecki, Marta Krüge Krüger, Joanna Pyzel, Jessica Smyth, Richard P Evershed

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter in a book

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The ceramic assemblage recovered from the site of Ludwinowo has been extensively described by Pyzel (chapter 2.3, in this volume). More than 32,000 fragments of pottery were excavated and attributed to the LBK phases of the site, spanning more than 250 years of occupation, extending from phase I of the Kuyavian LBK (ca. 5300 calBC) to phase III (5050–5000 calBC; Pyzel, chapter 2.4 in this volume). The pottery assemblage was dominated by globular vessels (or kümpfe), followed by collared flasks and bowls (in different proportion in the different LBK phases). Potsherds perforated with millimetre-sized holes were also excavated at the site. This type of sherds has been found amongst ceramic assemblages from LBK sites across Central Europe and triggered formulation of the ‘cheese-strainers’ hypothesis by Bogucki (1984). Drawing an analogy to modern and ethnographic cheese strainers and consideration of the structure of cattle herds at the sites, Bogucki (1984) hypothesise
Translated title of the contributionChronological and spatial trends in pottery use revealed through lipid residue analyses of LBK pottery vessels
Original languagePolish
Title of host publicationLudwinowo, stanowisko 7 Osada neolityczna na Kujawach
EditorsJoanna Pyzel
PublisherWspółwydawcy/University of Gdańsk Press
ISBN (Electronic)978-83-7865-920-4, 978-83-952339-5-1
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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