Compact MIMO System Performances in Metallic Enclosures

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review


In this work, we present a 2 × 2 near-field multi-input multiple-output (MIMO) prototype for bit-error-rate (BER) and error vector magnitude (EVM) measurements in a metal enclosure. The near-field MIMO prototype was developed using software-defined-radios (SDRs) for over-the-air transmission of QPSK modulated baseband waveforms. We checked the near-field MIMO BER and EVM measurements in three different scenarios in a highly reflecting metal enclosure environment. In the first scenario, the line-of-sight (LOS) communication link was investigated when the mode stirrer was stationary. In the stationary channel conditions, near-field MIMO BER and EVM measurements are performed. In the second scenario, BER and EVM measurements were performed in dynamic channel conditions when the mode stirrer was set to move continuously. In the third scenario, LOS communication near-field MIMO BER and EVM measurements were performed in stationary channel conditions but now in the presence of MIMO interference. In three different scenarios, near-field MIMO BER and EVM measurements were investigated at different Tx USRP gain values and in the presence of varying levels of MIMO interference.
Original languageEnglish
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - 15 Dec 2022

Structured keywords

  • Smart Internet Lab


  • MIMO systems
  • USRP
  • Software Defined Radio (SDR)


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