Comparison of time domain and frequency-wavenumber domain ultrasonic array imaging algorithms for non-destructive evaluation

Zeyu Zhuang*, Jie Zhang, Guoxuan Lian, Bruce W Drinkwater

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

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Ultrasonic array imaging algorithms have been widely developed and used for non-destructive evaluation (NDE) in the last two decades. In this paper two widely used time domain algorithms are compared with two emerging frequency domain algorithms in terms of imaging performance and computational speed. The time domain algorithms explored here are the total focusing method (TFM) and plane wave imaging (PWI) and the frequency domain algorithms are the wavenumber algorithm and Lu’s frequency-wavenumber domain implementation of PWI. In order to make a fair comparison, each algorithm was first investigated to choose imaging parameters leading to overall good imaging resolution and signal-to-noise-ratio. To reflect the diversity of samples encountered in NDE, the comparison is made using both a low noise material (aluminium) and a high noise material (copper). It is shown that, whilst wavenumber and frequency domain PWI imaging algorithms can lead to fast imaging, they require careful selection of imaging parameters to minimise image artefacts, and these vary with the inspection scenario.
Original languageEnglish
Article number4951
Number of pages18
Volume20 (2020)
Issue number17
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2020


  • ultrasonic arrays
  • non-destructive testing
  • plane wave imaging
  • total focusing method
  • frequency-wavenumber migration


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