Constraints on the martian crust away from the InSight landing site

Jiaqi Li, C Beghein, Scott McLennan, Anna C Horleston, AL Et

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

8 Citations (Scopus)


The most distant marsquake recorded so far by the InSight seismometer occurred at an epicentral distance of 146.3 ± 6.9o, close to the western end of Valles Marineris. On the seismogram of this event, we have identified seismic wave precursors, i.e., underside reflections off a subsurface discontinuity halfway between the marsquake and the instrument, which directly constrain the crustal structure away (about 4100−4500 km) from the InSight landing site. Here we show that the Martian crust at the bounce point between the lander and the marsquake is characterized by a discontinuity at about 20 km depth, similar to the second (deeper) intra-crustal interface seen beneath the InSight landing site. We propose that this 20-km interface, first discovered beneath the lander, is not a local geological structure but likely a regional or global feature, and is consistent with a transition from porous to non-porous Martian crustal materials.
Original languageEnglish
Article number7950
JournalNature Communications
Publication statusPublished - 26 Dec 2022


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