Correlators for the Wigner-Smith time-delay matrix of chaotic cavities

Fabio Deelan Cunden, Francesco Mezzadri, Nick Simm, Pierpaolo Vivo

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We study the Wigner–Smith time-delay matrix Q of a ballistic quantum dot supporting N scattering channels. We compute the v-point correlators of the power traces TrQK for arbitrary v ≥ 1 at leading order for large N using techniques from the random matrix theory approach to quantum chromodynamics. We conjecture that the cumulants of the TrQK's are integer-valued at leading order in N and include a MATHEMATICA code that computes their generating functions recursively.
Original languageEnglish
Article number18LT01
Number of pages20
JournalJournal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
Issue number18
Early online date24 Mar 2016
Publication statusPublished - 6 May 2016


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