D3.3.ENODISE.WP3.UBRI.Configuration.A.Database: Experimental Aeroacoustic Dataset on Boundary Layer Ingestion Configurations

Ismaeel Zaman, B. Zang, Mahdi Azarpeyvand, Michele Falsi

Research output: Other contribution


This database contains the datasets for the aeroacoustic experiments conducted at the University of Bristol regarding Boundary Layer Ingestion configurations A1 and A2 as part of the H2020 ENODISE project. Configuration A1 consists of a propeller ingesting a zero-pressure-gradient boundary layer while A2 is a propeller ingesting an adverse pressure gradient boundary layer in a partially buried configuration. Far-field acoustics are measured using two microphone arcs, near-field measurements consist of surface static pressure and pressure fluctuations. Propeller force and torque is measured using a load cell. Flow-field measurements are obtained through hotwire anemometry. This forms part of Deliverable D3.3, see report for further information regarding measurement techniques. Included are descriptive READMEs. The data is in the HDF5 format and comprises mean, spectral, and other processed data types in engineering units. Full supplementary files are to come, (CAD models of the setup, etc.) in D3.6
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 11 May 2023


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