Development of a feature-based open soft-CNC system

K. Latif, Y. Yusof, A. Nassehi, Qadir Bux Alias Imran Latif

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Modern computer numerical control (CNC) is intended to be more flexible, interoperable, adoptable, open, and intelligent. In realisation of such a CNC system, an ISO standard known as STEP for numeric control (STEP-NC) or ISO 14649 was developed in 2004 to alleviate a number of challenges associated with the widely used CNC standard (ISO 6983). Implementation of STEP-NC was initially carried out on some commercial CNC systems via an indirect STEP-NC programming approach. However, this approach failed to meet all the requirements of a modern CNC system, due to the translation of data from the high level to low level, which is vendor-specific and machine tool dependent, thus detrimental to the basic resource independent philosophy of STEP-NC. This paper presents a new generation of CNC systems, based on the Open Architecture Control (OAC) technology supported by STEP-NC data model to fundamentally solve these challenges. The developed system employs a new set of techniques for STEP-NC data interpretation, graphical verification, execution, monitoring, and report generation that supersede the exiting techniques in scope and capability. Using these techniques, the proposed system provides a flexible, intelligent, and adaptable manufacturing platform that can provide unprecedented levels of scalability and resource allocation agility in modern manufacturing enterprises. A prototype implementation of the proposed model is based on STEP-NC interpretation, 3D simulation, machine motion control, and live video monitoring with automatic document generation modules has been used to verify and validate the system in conjunction with industrially inspired test components.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1013-1024
Number of pages12
JournalInternational Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Issue number1
Early online date16 Jul 2016
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2017

Bibliographical note

cited By 0; Article in Press


  • CNC
  • Interpreter
  • Simulation
  • Monitoring
  • Open architecture controller


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