Discovery and biosynthetic assessment of 'Streptomyces ortus' sp. nov. isolated from a deep-sea sponge

Sam E. Williams, Catherine R. Back, Eleanor Best, Judith Mantell, James E. M. Stach, Tom A. Williams, Paul R. Race, Paul Curnow

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The deep sea is known to host novel bacteria with the potential to produce a diverse array of undiscovered natural products. Thus, understanding these bacteria is of broad interest in ecology and could also underpin applied drug discovery, specifically in the area of antimicrobials. Here, we isolate a new strain of Streptomyces from the tissue of the deep-sea sponge Polymastia corticata collected at a depth of 1869 m from the Gramberg Seamount in the Atlantic Ocean. This strain, which was given the initial designation A15ISP2-DRY2T, has a genome size of 9.29 Mb with a G+C content of 70.83 mol%. Phylogenomics determined that A15ISP2-DRY2T represents a novel species within the genus Streptomyces as part of the Streptomyces aurantiacus clade. The biosynthetic potential of A15ISP2-DRY2T was assessed relative to other members of the S . aurantiacus clade via comparative gene cluster family (GCF) analysis. This revealed a clear congruent relationship between phylogeny and GCF content. A15ISP2-DRY2T contains six unique GCFs absent elsewhere in the clade. Culture-based assays were used to demonstrate the antibacterial activity of A15ISP2-DRY2T against two drug-resistant human pathogens. Thus, we determine A15ISP2-DRY2T to be a novel bacterial species with considerable biosynthetic potential and propose the systematic name 'Streptomyces ortus' sp. nov.
Original languageEnglish
Article number000996
Number of pages14
JournalMicrobial Genomics
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 11 May 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
S.E.W. is supported by the Bristol Centre for Engineering Biology (BrisEngBio) under UKRI Biotechnology and Biological Sciences (BBSRC) award BB/W013959/1. Further grants that have supported this work include BBSRC grants BB/T001968/1 and BB/M025624/1, and the Medical Research Foundation grant MRF-131-0005-RG-RACE-C0853. E.B. was supported by the Wellcome Trust ISSF and Elizabeth Blackwell Institute clinical primer scheme. The TROPICS research cruise (expedition JC094) was funded by the European Research Council (ERC) via the ERC Consolidator Grant agreement number 278705. T.A.W. is supported by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship (URF\R\201024).

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 The Authors.

Research Groups and Themes

  • Bristol BioDesign Institute
  • BrisEngBio


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