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This paper presents the theory and key experimental findings for an investigation into the generation of bimodal resonance (frequency splitting) phenomena in mutually over-coupled inductive sensors, and its exploitation to evaluate relative separation and angular displacement between coils. This innovative measurement technique explores the bimodal resonant phenomena observed between two coil designs - solenoid and planar coil geometries. The proposed sensors are evaluated against first-order analytical functions and finite element models, before experimentally validating the predicted phenomenon for the different sensor configurations. The simulated and experimental results show excellent agreement and first-order best-fit functions are employed to predict displacement variables experimentally. Co-planar separation and angular displacement are shown to be experimentally predictable to within $\pm1mm$ and $\pm1^o$ using this approach. This study validates the first-order physics-based models employed, and demonstrates the first proof-of-principle for using resonant phenomena in inductive array sensors for evaluating relative displacement between array elements.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 14 Nov 2023

Research Groups and Themes

  • Engineering Mathematics Research Group


  • physics.app-ph


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