Diverse earliest Triassic ostracod fauna of the non-microbialite-bearing shallow marine carbonates of the Yangou section, South China

Xincheng Qiu, Li Tian*, Kui Wu, Michael J. Benton, Dongying Sun, Hao Yang, Jinnan Tong

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Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

10 Citations (Scopus)
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Since diverse ostracod faunas in the immediate aftermath of the latest Permian mass extinction are mainly found within Permian–Triassic boundary microbialites (PTBMs), the idea of an ostracod ‘microbial-related refuge’ has been proposed. Here, we report a diversified earliest Triassic ostracod fauna from the Yangou section in South China, where no PTBMs were deposited, providing evidence inconsistent with this ‘microbial-related refuge’ hypothesis. In addition, a significant ostracod extinction is recorded, corresponding with the earliest Triassic mass extinction (ETME). This ETME of ostracods is associated with size increases and a length/height ratio (L/H) decrease, indicating varied evolutionary patterns of shape and size of ostracods through the Permian–Triassic (P-Tr) extinction events. Although the nature of these biotic changes is somewhat unclear, the temporally varied ‘refuge zone’ scenario provides us with a window to reconstruct the environmental dynamics of ecosystem changes during the P-Tr transition.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)583-596
Number of pages14
Issue number4
Early online date11 May 2019
Publication statusPublished - 7 Sept 2019


  • Body size
  • Hollinella
  • marine ecosystem
  • mass extinction
  • recovery
  • refuge zone


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