Effect of oxygen fugacity on the glass transition, viscosity and structure of silica- and iron-rich magmatic melts.

Danilo Di Genova

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

46 Citations (Scopus)


Iron oxidation state affects the physical properties and structure of natural melts and, ultimately, magmatic and volcanic processes such as magma transport and eruptive style. Here, we study the glass transition temperature and melt viscosity of an iron-rich peralkaline rhyolite as a function of the iron oxidation state. Glass transition temperature is determined using a differential scanning calorimetry up to 680 °C. High-temperature viscosity is measured at 1385 °C using the concentric cylinder technique. Both the glass transition temperature and viscosity increase with oxygen fugacity conditions. Although significant changes in structure with temperature are expected, we observe a direct relationship between the effect of oxygen fugacity on bulk properties at high and low temperature and polymerization of glass structure as inferred by Raman spectroscopy. Our results show that viscosity models should consider the effect of oxygen fugacity on the melt viscosity at eruptive temperature together with the effect of water and crystal content.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Non-Crystalline Solids
Early online date18 May 2017
Publication statusPublished - 18 May 2017


  • Silicate glass
  • Viscosity
  • Glass transition
  • Raman spectroscopy
  • silicate melts
  • Oxygen fugacity


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