Electron-electron interaction in doped semiconductors including polar LO phonon effects: application to hot-electron spectrometers in GaAs

JM Rorison, D.C. Herbert

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

19 Citations (Scopus)


Recent experiments by Levi et al. (1985) and Long et al. (1986) in n-doped GaAs have produced path lengths in the range 300-500 Å at 77K for hot-electron decay. The scattering has been attributed to electron-electron and electron-phonon interactions. The authors have made a detailed theoretical study of electron-electron and electron-phonon effects in GaAs in the doping range n=1017-1018 cm-3 where polar LO phonon and plasmon mode mixing effects are expected to be largest. In a previous study on electron-electron interaction where the authors neglected plasmon-LO-phonon mode mixing, they have shown that plasmon dispersion effects are important in the calculation of path lengths for hot-electron decay. Thus altered dispersion in the initial unmixed modes, mode dispersion in the final modes due to mode-mixing and interaction effects and dynamical screening by the electrons and the phonons will influence the damping of hot electrons in these structures. They use a temperature-dependent Green function approach within the RPA approximation to include lattice polarisation and electron-electron effects and evaluate a wave-vector and frequency-dependent screening function ϵ(q, ω) which they can then use to evaluate the imaginary part of the electron self-energy and hence a path length due to combined electron-electron and electron-LO-phonon interaction
Translated title of the contributionElectron-electron interaction in doped semiconductors including polar LO phonon effects: application to hot-electron spectrometers in GaAs
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6357 - 6371
Number of pages15
JournalJournal of Physics C (Solid State Physics)
Volume19 (32)
Publication statusPublished - Nov 1986

Bibliographical note

Publisher: IoP

Research Groups and Themes

  • Photonics and Quantum


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