Enhanced evolutionary-based optimization techniques applied to a nonlinear landing gear design problem

Irene Tartaruga, Jonathan Cooper, Mark Lowenberg, Y Lemmens

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Engineering design processes often use optimization strategies, which aim to minimize multi-objective functions. The analysis should consider the uncertainty in a system, which may cause signicant changes in its behaviour. The inclusion of the uncertainty in the design process makes the identication of an optimum design more challenging. In this paper, two novel optimization methods (Iterative Dierential Evolutionary Algorithm - I.D.E.A. and Reliable & Robust Evolutionary Algorithm - R.R.E.A.) are presented. These optimization strategies aim to solve problems that are very time demanding and for which it is difficult (and expensive) to determine derivatives and to identify and dene the optimum set of parameters. The approaches are validated considering as a test case the optimization of a landing gear system in order to avoid the onset of shimmy, assuring a reliable design.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Aircraft
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 15 May 2019


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