Equilibrium phases and domain growth kinetics of calamitic liquid crystals

Nishant Birdi, Tom Underwood, Nigel B Wilding, Sanjay Puri, Varsha Banerjee*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)


The anisotropic shape of calamitic LC particles results in distinct energy values when nematogens are placed side-by-side or end-to-end. The energy anisotropy governed by parameter K' has deep consequences on equilibrium & non-equilibrium properties. Using GB model, which shows Nm & low temperature Sm order, we undertake large-scale MC & MD simulations to probe effect of K' on the equilibrium phase diagram & the non-equilibrium domain growth following a quench in the temperature T (coarsening). There are 2 transitions in the model, I->Nm at Tc1 & Nm->Sm at Tc2<Tc1. K' decreases Tc1 significantly, but has relatively little effect on Tc2. Domain growth in Nm phase exhibits the well-known LAC law, L(t)~t^0.5 & evolution is via annihilation of string defects. The system exhibits dynamical scaling that is also robust with respect to K'. We find that Sm phase at quench temperatures T (T>Tc1->T<Tc2) that we consider has SmB order with a hexatic arrangement of the LC molecules in the layers. Coarsening in this phase exhibits a striking two-time-scale scenario: first the LC molecules align & develop orientational order, followed by emergence of characteristic layering along with the hexatic bond-orientational-order within layers. Consequently, the growth follows the LAC law L(t)~t^0.5 at early times & then shows a sharp crossover to a slower growth regime at later times. Our observations strongly suggest L(t)~t^0.25 in this regime. Interestingly, the correlation function shows dynamical scaling in both the regimes & the scaling function is universal. The dynamics is also robust with respect to changes in K', but the smecticity is more pronounced at larger values. Further, the early-time dynamics is governed by string defects, while the late-time evolution is dictated by interfacial defects. We believe this scenario is generic to Sm phase even with other kinds of local order within Sm layers.
Original languageEnglish
Article number024706
JournalPhysical Review E
Issue number2
Early online date23 Feb 2022
Publication statusPublished - 23 Feb 2022

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
N.B. acknowledges UGC, India, for a senior research fellowship. V.B. acknowledges Department of Science and Technology, India for a core research grant. N.B., T.U., N.B.W., and V.B. also acknowledge DST-UKIERI for a research grant which has facilitated this collaboration. N.B. and T.U. acknowledge Professor Steve Parker at the University of Bath (UK) for the kind hospitality provided during the developmental stages of this work. N.B. and V.B. gratefully acknowledge the High Performance Computing (HPC) facility at IIT Delhi for computational resources. S.P. is grateful to the Science and Engineering Research Board, India for support via a J.C. Bose fellowship.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2022 American Physical Society.


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