Experimental methodology of study of damage initiation and development in textile composites in uniaxial tensile test

S.V. Lomov, D Ivanov, T.C. Truong, I. Verpoest, F. Baudry, K. Vanden Bosche, H Xie

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Damage in textile composites is closely connected with the internal micro- and meso-geometry of the reinforcement, and reveals features, which are not present in the damage processes in classical laminates. This paper proposes a test sequence intended to characterise damage in textile composites – its initiation and development different scale levels: (1) Tensile tests on samples cut in characteristic directions of the textile reinforcement (machine, cross and bias), accompanied with acoustic emission (AE) registration and full-field strain
measurement on the surface. The test produces stress–strain diagrams and identifies characteristic strain levels for post-mortem investigation: just after first damage e1; well-developed damage e2; just before the final fracture of the sample e3. Full-field strain measurement highlights the relation between strain concentrations (linked with the damage initiation) and the reinforcement structure. (2) Samples loaded up to e1...3 are examined with CT and X-ray. This reveals the damage pattern and allows quantitative characterising of the damage development. (3) Optical and SEM examination of cross-sections through the damage sites, determined with X-ray, identifies local damage modes. The same strain levels are further used for setting up fatigue tests. The experimental protocol is applied for triaxial braided and quasi-UD composites.
Translated title of the contributionExperimental methodology of study of damage initiation and development in textile composites in tensile test
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2340 - 2349
Number of pages10
JournalComposites Science and Technology
Issue number12
Publication statusPublished - 2008


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