Fr. Giovanni Antonio de Carbonariis vs. Sheriffs of London: Chancery petition transcript, c.1496

Research output: Other contribution

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Transcription of a petition to the Court of Chancery in London by Friar Giovanni Antonio de Carbonariis (OESA). He requests that a case against him be removed to Chancery
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 17 Nov 2006

Bibliographical note

Additional information: The document is undated. However the reference to the executor of the Bishop of London indicates that the petition cannot have been submitted prior to 19 March 1496. John Morton, to whom the petition is addressed, died in September 1500

Contributor: National Archives: Public Record Office (UK)
Contributor (Other): de Carbonariis, Giovanni Antonio
Other identifier: C 1/194/24


  • John Cabot
  • Fr. Giovanni Antonio de Carbonariis
  • Mission
  • Bristol discovery voyage 1498


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