Fusion of 2-D images using their multiscale edges

SG Nikolov, DR Bull, CN Canagarajah, M Halliwell, PNT Wells

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Contribution (Conference Proceeding)

12 Citations (Scopus)
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A new framework for fusion of 2D images based on their multiscale edges is described in this paper. The new method uses the multiscale edge representation of images proposed by Mallat and Hwang (1992). The input images are fused using their multiscale edges only. Two different algorithms for fusing the point representations and the chain representations of the multiscale edges (wavelet transform modulus maxima) are given. The chain representation has been found to provide numerous new alternatives for image fusion, since edge graph fusion techniques can be employed to combine the images. The new framework encompasses different levels, i.e. pixel and feature levels, of image fusion in the wavelet domain.
Translated title of the contributionFusion of 2-D Images Using Their Multiscale Edges
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
PublisherInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
Pages41 - 44
ISBN (Print)0769507506
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2000
Event15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 1 Sept 2000 → …


Conference15th International Conference on Pattern Recognition
Period1/09/00 → …

Bibliographical note

Rose publication type: Conference contribution

Terms of use: Copyright © 2000 IEEE. Reprinted from 15th International Conference onPattern Recognition, 2000.

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