Future Places Toolkit: Augmented Reality (AR) software and performance/workshop activity for planning consultation and engagement.

Zubr, Jessica Hoffmann, Duncan Speakman

Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


Future Places Toolkit uses AR on smartphones and science fiction storytelling to support participants to visualise what’s planned and co-create ideas for improvements to their neighbourhoods. As people describe what they want or how a development could be, they see what they imagine together appear immediately on their screens, sketched live by an artist who’s listening-in remotely and drawing in VR. They get to see what changes would be like visualised in AR, overlaid onto the place where the development is planned. And to explore what the changes would be like in 3D and in situ.

• The AR engagement activity was run at 3 stages of planning process with Filwood Broadway Working Group (community organisation) & Bristol City Council, to support public consultation around improvements to this high street in Knowle West (2021-22), including 4 times at Knowle West Fest on Filwood Broadway, October 2022.
• Run at Birmingham Settlement’s new Nature and Wellbeing Centre, in collaboration with the Design Thread and Learning Domain of Centre for Sociodigital Futures, as part of their Neighbourhood Futures Festival, July 1st, 2023.
• Then 5 times over 3 days for Bristol City Council (BCC) as part of their Temple Quarter engagement. In light of success of this, the Temple Quarter Redevelopment Team have commissioned Clarke/Uninvited Guests to run the AR activity commercially for another 2 days in St Phillips.
• Also part of the team, led by Architecture 00, which submitted the successful tender to BCC for the Filwood Broadway High Street Delivery Plan, which will use FPT for engagement, visualising improvements and consulting on scenarios as part of the Levelling-Up project in autumn 2024.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationFilwood Broadway, Knowle West, and Temple Quarter
PublisherBristol City Council
Publication statusPublished - 2022

Structured keywords

  • ESRC Centre for Sociodigital Futures


  • Centre for Creative Technologies
  • Augmented Reality
  • immersive technologies


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