Generation of Improved Artificial Earthquakes For Seismic Qualification Testing

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference Contribution (Conference Proceeding)


Most international codes for seismic qualification testing of equipment specify that an artificial earthquake is used as an input motion. These time histories are typically generated iteratively starting with pseudo random number sequences, however the resulting shakes often place significant acceleration, velocity and displacement demands on the shaking table. Where this demand is beyond the performance of the table, most codes propose high pass filtering of the time histories to reduce the low frequency demand. This results in table motions that can be achieved, but the shakes will now not put the required energy into the specimen across the full range of frequencies defined by the code. Potentially this could result in an under-test of the specimen. Therefore some methods of modifying the time history generation process are suggested to reduce the performance demands made on the table without replying so heavily on high pass filtering of the earthquake motions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication15th World Conference of Earthquake Engineering,Lisbon
Place of PublicationCD
Number of pages10
EditionPaper No 1353
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • seismic qualification
  • equipment
  • shaking table
  • artificial time histories


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