"Going from strength to strength”. Delving into professional identity formation of veterinary curriculum leaders: a narrative inquiry

Elizabeth Armitage-Chan*, Melinda A Bell, Martin Cake, Kate A Cobb, Heidi Janicke, Sarah Kelley, Emma Read, Sheena M Warman

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to journalArticle (Academic Journal)peer-review

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Curriculum leaders (individuals with responsibility for an institution's veterinary curriculum), are student-oriented, want to make a difference, and prioritize teaching and pedagogy in their work. However, as they work to enhance curriculum development, they experience tensions in their role. This study built on previous quantitative findings, and aimed to explore further how curriculum leaders respond to tensions, and how their identity is constructed and supported in a way that means they can thrive in their role. Using self-determination theory and narrative identity as conceptual frameworks, nine curriculum leaders were interviewed about their experiences. Narrative inquiry methodology enabled in-depth interpretations to be drawn about identity influences and participants’ responses to conflict and dissonance. Curriculum leader identity was defined as being student-centered, change-oriented, valuing both clinical (particularly general practice), and pedagogical expertise while engaging in hard work and service to achieve pedagogical goals. Participants were skilled in leading change and had developed skills and personal attributes for this. Leading change involved experiences of conflict and tension that were personally meaningful, evoking feelings of identity dissonance that were characterised by either emotional resilience or disaffection and frustration. This response depended on social identity influences, including opportunities to network with like-minded peers, recognition of achievements from influential others, institutional advocacy for change, and support for advanced pedagogical training.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Veterinary Medical Education
Early online date13 Feb 2024
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 13 Feb 2024

Bibliographical note

The authors acknowledge the support of the Council on International Veterinary Medical Education, who provided a grant to fund this research. They also thank Mario Baratta for his input at early stages of the project, and thank Hui Pin (Julia) Lee for her work on the preparatory literature review.

Structured keywords

  • Veterinary Education Research Group


  • veterinary educational research


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