Grandparents’ childhood exposures and religious belief in their granddaughters: possible transgenerational associations

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Background: Research in non-genetic inheritance indicates that grandparents’ smoking habits and their childhood experiences of trauma can influence the physical and psychological attributes of their grandchildren. This was particularly apparent for outcomes such as autism and obesity where the population prevalence changed over time. Other factors which have changed temporally include religious and spiritual beliefs (RSBs) which have been declining in Western populations.
Methods: We used data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC) to explore whether grandparental exposures were associated with the religious and/or spiritual beliefs of their grandchildren as measured with a positive response to the question “Do you believe in God or some divine power?” . In line with other inter/trans-generational human studies we hypothesised that: (H1) grandparents’ childhood exposures to cigarette smoking (whether in utero or by active smoking) and/or exposure to traumatic events during childhood will be associated with their grandchild’s RSB; (H2) associations will differ between maternal and paternal lines of inheritance; (H3) relationships will vary with age at grandparental exposure, and (H4) associations will differ between grandsons and granddaughters.
Results: We found significant associations between the grandchild’s RSB and both the grandparents’ smoking and their childhood trauma histories (H1 supported). These associations were mainly found down the maternal line (H2 possibly supported) and results varied with age of exposure of the grandparents; being strongest for in utero exposure of cigarette smoke and for pre-puberty exposure of traumatic events (H3 supported), and that granddaughters were more affected than grandsons (H4 supported).
Conclusions: We hope that these results will motivate collection of similar data to further evaluate these questions in other populations, including a possible role for biological mechanisms.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-25
JournalWellcome Open Research
Publication statusSubmitted - 12 Aug 2022

Structured keywords

  • Bristol Population Health Science Institute


  • ALSPAC; religion; spirituality; intergenerational; transgenerational; grandparent; childhood traumas; grandparental smoking


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