Gust and Ground Loads Integration for Aircraft Landing Loads Prediction

Andrea Castrichini, Jonathan Cooper, T. Benoit, Y Lemmens

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A methodology is described to couple unsteady aerodynamic loads with flexible bodies in multibody simulations. A representative civil jet aircraft aeroelastic model is used to evaluate the structural loads due to the combination of gust and ground loads.The implementation of unsteady aerodynamic loads is validated by comparing the results for the wing root bending moment and tip displacement with Nastran transient aeroelastic analyses for a series of gust
lengths of a linear free-free aircraft model. The main objective of the paper is to prove that with the implementation of a time domain formulation for the unsteady aerodynamic loads, a multibody simulation can be used to predict the aircraft aeroelastic loads that are comparable with traditional FEM-based methods. However, the use of a multibody simulation software offers the simulations to other manoeuvres such as landings and the use of non-linear and
active structures.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)184-194
Number of pages11
JournalJournal of Aircraft
Issue number1
Early online date19 Oct 2017
Publication statusPublished - Jan 2018


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